06. Referensi
- KBBI daring
- ^ (en) Zimmere W. Thomas dan Norman M.Scarborough. Essentials of Entrepreneur ship and Small Business Management, Edisi 4.United States of America: Pearson Prentice-Hall. 2005
- ^ Bateman Thomas S and Scott A.Snell, Management : Leading and Collaborating in a Competitive World, edisi 7. Mcgraw-hill. 2007
- ^ (en) Kuratko F.Donald, Richards M.Hodgetts. Entrepreneur ship, 6th ed. United States of America: Thomson. 2004
- ^ Blawatt R. Ken. Entrepreneruship, United States of America: Prentice-Hall Canada. 1998
- Bolton Bill dan John Thompson. The Entrepreneur in Focus. Great Britain: Thomson.2003
- Hisrich.D. Robert, Michael P.Peters,dan Dean A. Shepherd. Entrepreneur ship, 6th edition. Mcgraw-Hill. 2005
- Zimmere W.Thomas dan Norman M.Scarborough. Pengantar Kewirausahaan dan Manajemen Bisnis Kecil. Indonesia: doublefish.2002
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